What it means to love you layout

Hello! Michele here to share a layout with you today. This is my very first post on CricutDIVAs and I am excited to be here! Today’s layout features my daughter and why I love her. I hope this will become a cherished page when she thumbs through the old books when she is an adult. Scrapping is about preserving memories and telling our stories. I hope she enjoys this one about her – just her and nothing else.


The Cricut cuts involved here are:
The title is the font on the Cupcake (a Lite cart – if you haven’t checked out this font, you are missing out big time!) “what it means to you” was welded and cut at 0.75″.  “love” and it’s welded shadow were cut at 1.05″.

The flowers are two variations from Hello Kitty Greetings and were cut at 2″ and 1.3″.
The circle tag is from Doodlecharms and was cut at 1.6″.

To get these sizes just right, I pulled out my Gypsy. I haven’t used it in awhile but it fired right up and connected with my Expression just fine. (I have not attempted to update it recently or link it to CCR at any time. In fact, it’s probably been at least six months since I turned it on!) Don’t you just love how you can make all of your cuts at once on the Gypsy?

Before cutting:


After cutting:


Here is a close-up of the journaling, in case you are wondering what it says:


One last little trick for you. I tied a simple knot around the tag at the bottom of the layout.  To keep it simple and not create bulk with an additional piece of ribbon, I simply sliced the end of the ribbon in two, threaded it through the hole and tied a knot around. This keeps the bulk down in the page protector.


I hope you have enjoyed my first layout here on CricutDIVAs and I hope you will keep coming back for more!  Feel free to visit me on my regular blog where this month you will see a layout each day as I am participating in Lain Ehmann’s Layout a Day in May 2013!